Friday, November 15, 2013

14 & 15

Fourteen and Fifteen kind of go hand-in-hand…

Gods Word and The Ability To Learn And Grow.

I think it is ridiculous the amount of times that I take having a bible for granted.

I mean come on…this is THE WORD OF GOD!!!

How many times do I sit there while I am praying and just say: “If I could only hear Your voice…”

DUH! DUMMY!!! That is what the Bible is for.

Yeah…it’s not his literal voice…but it is still His plan for my life woven in a beautiful love letter…

An instruction manual.

A manual on how to live a Christ-like life.

You know when you get a new board game or a project and it comes with instructions on how to play it or assemble it? And there are always those people who just love to jump on in and figure it out themselves? And then there are those other people who have to get out the manual and read every instruction word for word so they know exactly how to play…because heaven forbid the game is not played EXACTLY how it is meant to be???

I’m going to be honest with you guys…I am totally that person. The annoying “play by the rule book WORD for WORD” kind of person…and yes…I will continue to refer to the manual throughout the game just to be certain that if I am losing…I am losing fairly…haha because chances are I am losing and I will fight everyone on it if I don’t have the exact rules there to refer to…so in other words…everyone is just better off not playing games with me…

But getting back on track…this is a good thing right? That I consider the instructions to be such a crucial part in the actual process…

So why do I seem to forget so often to refer to the Bible when I need to know how to live?

I just think it is incredible how much information God has given us in the bible. And how many stories there are for us to turn to and learn from…

And they aren’t just stories about random people…they are stories about our ancestors! Forget…this is our incredibly detailed family tree people! Some of it is somewhat embarrassing for us to claim as relative I’m sure…but other stuff…is pretty dang incredible.

It is crazy to me how many people I talk to that want to “live right” and do the “right thing” and be better…and yet…they seem to try to rely solely on their own personal ability to do so…or they read inspirational books and take the words of a mentor as foundational truth…yet they don’t bother to crack open the Ultimate Truth every once and awhile.

How can I grow and live right and gain knowledge if I don’t actually KNOW how to do these things?

How can I be Christ-like if I don’t even know what Christ is like?

How can I love my neighbor and myself if I don’t even know what love IS or HOW to do it?

How can I grow spiritually if I don’t know what being “spiritual” entails and looks like?

I can’t!

But thankfully…God has made it possible for me to do all of this…I just have to read His instructions…

We haven’t been left stranded and alone to fend for ourselves!

He has given us the knowledge we need and the ability to learn and to grow.