Friday, June 10, 2016

His love is fierce.

I too often get caught up in the roses and sunshine aspect of Gods grace - and I lose sight of the fierceness of His love.

We can try to do things our way and pretend like we have it all under control but God doesn't allow that to last very long.

Somehow, someway, He eventually leads us to the reality that we are completely and utterly lost without Him.

I love that God has compassion and that He is gentle and kind-spirited. I love that He knows when to whisper and speak softly to me...

But what would I do without His relentless aggression to save and pursue me?

What would I do if every time I wanted to stray, His anger didn't burn within Him, causing Him to chase after me and put me in my place?

I love His ferocious love. I love His power that causes violence when needed. I love that He does not shy away from confrontation, and that He not only faces it head on, but that when He decides - it's not even a battle. His defeats are endless and all around me. There is no direction or road I could go to escape His presence and power. 

If I take the road to Heaven - His law is inescapable.

And if I take the road to Hell - His anger and aggression is what sends me there.

He never allows me to take one step without knowing that He is there.

Before I call, before I ever cry
You answer me from where the thunder hides
I cannot run, this heart I'm tethered to
With every step I collide with You

Like a tidal wave crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce!
Like a hurricane that I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce!

You cannot fail, the only thing I've found
Is through it all You never let me down
You don't hold back, relentless in pursuit
And every turn I come face to face with You

Like a tidal wave crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce!
Like a hurricane that I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce!

You chase me down, You seek me out
How could I be lost when You have called me found?

Like a tidal wave crashing over me
Rushing in to meet me here
Your love is fierce!
Like a hurricane that I can't escape
Tearing through the atmosphere
Your love is fierce!
Jesus Culture - Fierce

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I just know

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord,
With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Psalm 16:8

It's difficult to not let the things of the world distract me.

I often forget that God already knows that.

I forget that He knows when He gives me instructions, as much as I yearn for that from Him, I'll still have thousands of things leading me in other directions.

And then I'll start to wonder; "am I doing the right thing."

Of course I know in my heart it's from Him.

But I still start to be concerned with the details of how it will all play out and fall together.

But God doesn't ask me to worry about the details. He doesn't ask me to answer to everyone else or even myself for that matter...He only wants me to answer to Him - and obey. 

Sometimes His plan for me is clearly laid out in front of me and all signs will be pointing directly to what He wants me to do, making my decisions easy. But other times He wants me to step out in blind faith. Holding on to nothing but the promise that He will take care of me no matter what happens.

Sometimes the road is obvious.

And sometimes it's as if I'm stepping off of a ledge.

Yet, either time, I know...I just know...that it's what I'm supposed to do.

I won't allow my confidence and faith to be shaken - in any situation - because I know that ultimately, my life is His. And the only thing that truly matters, is obeying Him and stepping out when I feel Him nudging me.

I can choose to allow discouragement and fear to keep me standing still. Or I can take that jump. 

Either way, I have a God to answer to. And I want my answer to be that even though I was unsure, I was brave and courageous and I trusted His promises to me and I took advantage of every adventure and opportunity He placed in my life to glorify Him.

"So I won’t root myself too deeply
In this valley where we dwell
I won’t tie myself to nothing
That tells my soul it isn’t well
I will wait and I will wonder
Only time will tell..."
Brandon Heath, In The Dust

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Cutting the ties...

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt

"Be determined to know more than others. If you yourself do not cut the lines that tie you to the dock, God will have to use a storm to sever them and to send you out to sea. Put everything in your life afloat upon God, going out to sea on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself— begin to have spiritual discernment.
When you know that you should do something and you do it, immediately you know more. Examine where you have become sluggish, where you began losing interest spiritually, and you will find that it goes back to a point where you did not do something you knew you should do. You did not do it because there seemed to be no immediate call to do it. But now you have no insight or discernment, and at a time of crisis you are spiritually distracted instead of spiritually self-controlled. It is a dangerous thing to refuse to continue learning and knowing more."
 - My Utmost for His Highest

"The willingness to show up changes us, it makes us a little braver each time." 
- Brené Brown

"Around here however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney

What shall I give Him today...

May I be broken bread, may I be poured out wine
May I incarnate, Your kindness Lord

Spend my life Jesus, anyway You please
Whether on great things, or what seems small

Your will done your way

I will not fight You
Take me past the line that my heart draws
I will not fight You
Take me beyond the laziness of my thoughts
I will not fight
Lead me further than I've gone before
I will not fight You
I'm abandoned to Your call

Do not let there be, any part of me
That’s untouchable, unreachable

Let my delight be, living out Your dreams
Washing dirty feet, and kissing Yours

God let Your dreams come true, dream through us
God let Your dreams come true through us

"A person’s obedience is to what he sees to be a need— our Lord’s obedience was to the will of His Father...We must first make sure that God’s 'needs' and His will in us personally are being met. Jesus said, '...tarry…until you are endued with power from on high' (Luke 24:49). The purpose of our Christian training is to get us into the right relationship to the 'needs' of God and His will. Once God’s 'needs' in us have been met, He will open the way for us to accomplish His will, meeting His 'needs' elsewhere." - Oswald Chambers

I have this fire inside of me that I refuse to let burn out. But in all this dreaming and planning - I want to...I NEED to remember to put Christ first.

My selfishness comes oh too easily to me sometimes. And I don't want this to be just another thing in my life where I am putting myself above everything and everyone else. Sometimes I get my mind set on something that I want and I won't allow anyone to tell me I can't have it. And in all honesty - I love that drive in me. I had lost it for awhile there somewhere...but now it's like it's back with a vengeance. But I have to make sure that drive is being navigated by the right person.

"Spend my life Jesus, anyway You please. Whether on great things, or what seems small."

That "nudge" I was referring to a few posts ago - that's driving me right now.

And I'm really excited about it...

My problem here isn't that I'm not listening to it - it's that I am walking a fine line of not keeping God and His will first in it all.

It's easy to have hopes and dreams and get carried away with them's easy for me to put my blinders on and fall down that little rabbit hole...

While I pray about it all the thought comes into my head: what if what I thought God was calling me to, wasn't what He actually had for me at all. What if, at this moment - what He has for me, is what I already have? What if His greatest desire for me at this time is to just be and stay right where I am? Would I be disappointed? Would I be upset? Would I start to doubt His greatness and faithfulness? Or what if His plans were to lead me somewhere just to allow situations in my life that would break me completely...

I realize in these moments that more than anything - more than making a huge life change and being uncertain of its outcome - more than laying it all out there and possibly failing - more than being brought to the most uncomfortable position - more than surrendering every desire of mine - more than anything in the world - I'm most afraid of not putting God first, no matter what. I'm most afraid of not believing that whether He gives me my most precious and dearest dreams or He gives me nothing at all - I'm most afraid of losing my faith in Him. I'm most afraid of the thought of me choosing to believe that He is not good and that His grace is not the same whether I fly or fail. I'm most afraid of my pride.

Don't get me wrong - I know I can't lose my Christianity. And I can't make God love me any less - but I'm only human. I doubt and waiver all the time. I get angry and selfish and prideful. My heart hardens and my mind hates. I've learned that it's easy for me to turn off my heart if and when I want to. But I don't want that. I want to feel it all. No matter what. I want to feel it and trust that even if the next heartbreak ahead is brutally more painful than the last, it will all be for something. It will all be for Gods purpose of growing me and giving me strength and courage to be the daughter of the King that God wants me to be.

I want to feel everything that comes my way. I want to feel every bump and bruise. I want to feel every heartbreak and failure. And I want to keep going. I want to keep pushing forward.

"Spend my life Jesus, anyway You please. Whether on great things, or what seems small."

I sing the words...But do I mean them?

None of it means anything without Him and His will.

I could have all of the riches in this world - but if I don't have God...what good is any of it?

So, as much as it scares me - I want that to be my prayer: "God - whatever YOU have for me. Whatever YOUR will is. Whether it's what I want or what I dread, help me to believe that Your grace is still the same - and no matter what, You're growing me and You'll be there with me every step of the way. No. Matter. What."

"All that I am is dry bones without you Lord."

Sunday, June 5, 2016

An unheroic heart

Most of my life was spent wanting to save other people. The ones who were hurt and lost and broken. The ones who were emotionally unhealthy and unavailable. After years and years of learning that I couldn't do that, I then just wanted to save myself. 

I became cold and distant and I wanted to protect myself from anyone and anything that could potentially hurt me, so I turned off my emotions and hid away who I really was. 

After finally realizing that I couldn't do that either, there was only one thing left for me to admit.

God is the only One who can save me and anyone else for that matter.

But I still have skewed vision sometimes...thinking that God is still in the process of "saving" me...when in fact, He already has. He's done saving me. It's finished.

Now it's my turn to respond to that and live in a way that shows the confidence that comes from knowing this incredible truth.

There are still things that I need to ask God for every day, yes. But to live in a way that exhibits insecurity and lack of confidence in my Saviors power and authority over my life - that, also, needs to be finished.

I'm not the Savior of the story. And I'm so thankful for that.

Friday, June 3, 2016

A guided heart

My devotionals these past few days have been so perfect for me.

I’ve been challenged to think about the things that I truly hold more dear in my life - or maybe even just at this moment in life. 

My relationships, my possessions, my passions, my dreams, my ideas...all of them can get the best of me at times.

But what am I utterly obsessed with? What do I spend most of my time thinking about and pondering over? What do I set as a little higher (or a lot higher) priority over everything else?

I'm challenging myself lately to intentionally put God first in my life. I know it sounds like such an obvious need for a Christian - but as I'm sure you know, it's not as easy as it sounds. One way I have been doing this the past few weeks is waking up a few hours earlier and having my devotion and quiet time. That way my day is started off with the most important thing. And my need for time alone with God, is the first thing I think about in the morning. Giving a start to my day that already makes me feel refreshed and energized, because I am able to put my day into Gods hands, and allow Him to take control of my heart and mind before I even step out into the crazy world.

And I have loved it.

But even that, even the act of waking up early and having that time can become an addiction. Which you may think there is nothing wrong with. But what is my motive behind it? Do I do it because I am so in love with God and it's one way I can express my faithfulness to Him? Do I do it because I desire and crave that alone time with Him because He is my Savior? Or do I do it because I want to look like a good Christian? Maybe I do it just for the simple fact that I can sit here right now, write this blog and brag about how amazing and dedicated I am to God…

I believe it's true that because we are so connected with the world and we’re born immediately into a sinful nature, that nothing we do, not even the most seemingly greatest and selfless act, can be done without us having some ulterior motive to bring attention to ourselves.

It makes complete since that Jesus tells us to pray in secret so that we will not be seeking attention for ourselves:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:5&6

If we do things only to draw attention to ourselves, where then is our obsession and focus?

I even think about the following: why do I obey God? Why do I pursue after the things He has placed on my heart? Is it so that everyone will look at me and think of how brave and adventurous and fearless I am? Or is it because I want to live a life that pleases Him. That I just simply don't know how to do anything other than obey Him because His love and will and plans for me are so deeply threaded in every part of me? I can choose to disobey, yes, but the thought or temptation never even enters my mind because I am in complete oneness with Him.

I pray that that is, or becomes my truth. I pray that I grow to be so lost in Him that I just automatically know what He wants for me. That I know which choice to make because it is so clear which one would glorify Him more.

There have been times where I have thought I "knew" what was right and best for me. Times that I would almost swear to you that this was the direction I needed to go. But those times have all been ruled by me. I felt so strongly about them because I wanted them. And it has been proven time and time again that what I may think I want and need, is the complete opposite of such. 

So I am learning and being reminded more and more that when I feel something is right, my first response should be prayer. Instead of just "knowing" it is for me, I need to pause with caution and take it to God instantly. So that He can show me if it is right or not before I start to get myself in too deep.

But oh, to think of a day where I will truly know what is right - because I will be so in tune with God and His plan for my life.

Then He and only He will be my obsession.

If there is anything on your heart right now, I encourage you to take it to God. I encourage you to be honest and genuine and vulnerable with Him. If you have big plans and big dreams and you feel like you need to move in them then take it to God. If you're like me and often feel these things but fear somehow always find its crippling way in you, take it to God. Too often I am afraid of failure. Too often I have a dream and then allow insecurities to drown it.

I'm learning to not be afraid of the things I want. I'm learning that God has great plans for me - whether I think I know what they are or not, they're great. Because they're from God.

I'm afraid of my passions not becoming a reality. I'm afraid of finally following them and having them be fulfilled but then have them crumble. I'm afraid of rejection and heartbreak. I'm afraid of stepping out into the unknown.

But I'm learning to be more afraid of not following what I want. I'm afraid of waking up one day, 10 years from now, in the same exact place I am right now and wondering, "what if?" I'm afraid of a life that does not progress or grow or strengthen. Failure isn't an amazing feeling, but at least it means I tried. At least it means I didn't sit there on my hands and allow fear to keep me from moving.

I try to suppress my fears a lot of the time. I try to ignore them and act like they don't exist. I don’t know if I thought that maybe vocalizing them would make them more real and give them even more power over me...but it hasn't. Taking them to God and saying them out loud has only given God more power over them. And more power over me. Trusting Him with my fears only makes my passion that much stronger. Because He reassures me with each fear I speak that He has me. And even though I may step out and fail, He is there. And He is guiding me every step of the way because it is my desire that a life glorifying to Him is my obsession.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A heart of flesh

Ezekiel 36 & 37 are probably two of my most favorite chapters in the bible.

I won't write them all out here - but I encourage you to go read them for yourself.

The imagery is just beautiful. I couldn't imagine being Ezekiel and watching those dry bones come to life before my eyes. A whole army of them. 

God tells Ezekiel that these bones are Israel (v. 37:11) and He is bringing them back to life and restoring them and their nation - even after all of the horrible acts they have committed.

Just try to think about how powerful God is - how He is the giver and taker of life.

With one breath He can resurrect an army and with one thought He can destroy the whole world

I know I don't fully understand just how powerful He is. And I never will. But I don't really have to to grasp even a little, just how gracious He is. 

Israel betrayed Him time and time again. He brought them out of a land where they were slaves and had nothing of their own - and yet they still became impatient (even while being saved) and they created new gods to worship apart from Him.

Sometimes I think about how disgusting my sins are and I try to comprehend just how lost I truly am. I start to think about how I am nothing on my own and even in those thoughts, sin starts leaking in, telling me that nothing could ever save me.

But I am saved. HE saved me...

"I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." - Ezekiel 36: 25 & 26

If the same God of the Bible, the One who cleansed Israel and pardoned them of their sins, is the same One who pardons me - how can I even begin to doubt the trueness and validity of it? How can I even allow myself to get caught up in thinking, even for a moment, that I need more to be cleansed?

Someone once told me, "I don't want to know all of the horrible things going on in my heart."

But isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? Asking God to reveal to us the deepest depths of our hearts so that we can then ask Him to change it and make it more like Him? It's terrifying - of course - knowing all of the evil that is inside of us. I only know a small portion of the sin I am capable of and the idea of knowing I am capable of so much more and possibly worse is not a fun one.

I think one of my favorite part of Ezekiel is when God explains His reason for healing the land...

"Therefore say to the Israelites, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake, people of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone. I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the Sovereign Lord, when I am proved holy through you before their eyes." (v. 36: 22 & 23)

God has my best interest at heart. But only because He has HIS best interest at heart. 

I have chosen to follow a great and mighty Creator. A Creator who loves me far beyond my understanding. A Creator who not only knows what is best, but always does what is best.

This is why I never need to fear. My view of what is "best" changes daily - my judgment can be inconsistent and unpredictable. 

But the Lord remains constant and unshaken. He has one ultimate plan for the entire world. And no matter what I do - His plan remains the same. When I wander and get off track - He brings me back to Him because His plan is ultimate. I have given my life to Him so no matter what I do, I cannot separate myself from Him, because He has chosen me as part of His plan.

He will show His glory and power time and time again to prove how great He is.

He will even take a sinner as pathetic and lost as me, dust me off, breathe air into my lungs, put a new heart in my chest - put HIS SPIRIT in me - and resurrect my life to show just how great He is. No one can save me or take away anything that I have ever done - but God can - and He does, every day. Because He is great - and He won't allow anyone to forget that.

If that perfect and holy and great God wants to rid me of my sins and make me clean so that I can be apart of something so much greater than myself - why wouldn't I let Him?

The One who made the blind to see
Is moving here in front of me, moving here in front of me
The One who made the deaf to hear
Is silencing my every fear, silencing my every fear

I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles
I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles

The One who does impossible is
Reaching out to make me whole
Reaching out to make me whole
The One who put death in its place
His life is flowing through my veins
His life is flowing through my veins

I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles
I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles

The God who was and is to come
The power of the Risen One
The God who brings the dead to life
You're the God of miracles!
You're the God of miracles!

I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles
I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles

I know that. I know it’s true.
You are the same yesterday, today and forever.

The God who was and is to come
The power of the Risen One
The God who brings the dead to life
You're the God of miracles!
You're the God of miracles!

I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles
I believe in You, I believe in You
You're the God of miracles

Miracles - Jesus Culture

Monday, May 30, 2016

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

What if you felt God telling you to do something a little scary?

What if you felt Him nudging you to step outside of your comfort zone and trust Him a little?

It's something that might sound a little crazy when you finally say it aloud. 

People might be wondering what in the world you're doing...

But you know. You just know - that this little flame inside of you wasn't conjured by anything inside of you other than the Holy Spirit.

You don't know how...but you just know. 

It's God.

Don't allow those moments...or pass you by. 

Don't sit back and try to reason them.

And most of all - don't doubt. 

Don't doubt that the same God who has guided you and pulled you through time and time again won't be faithful to His promise to you. Don't doubt that He won't be there on the other end of this step. 

You gotta take it though.

YOU have to be the one who obeys.

YOU have to be the one who pursues it and makes it happen.

God already has your steps planned and your path paved. All you have to do is listen and follow.

Don't allow chances to keep passing you by in life.

Before you know it, 50 years will pass by and you'll be sitting there wondering what would have happened if only you would have jumped.

Who cares what everyone else will say and think.

This is YOUR life.

Don't be afraid to live it.

If only you'll trust God, He'll exceed all of your expectations and hopes and He will bless you more than you can ever imagine.

So let Him.

Let Him guide you and use you.

When you finally know what He is telling you to do - don’t hesitate. PRAY, YES. But hesitate? That will only cause the flame to fade more and more until it burns out. Then you miss your opportunity and start to make excuses saying, “God must not have really wanted me to do that - or else I would still feel that nudge from Him.” The only one you’ll have to blame for your stagnant life at that point is yourself.

If you’re not growing - you’re not obeying.

You can do it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A sorrowful heart

“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’ Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’ 
Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ he asked Peter. ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ 
He went away a second time and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.’ 
When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing. Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and resting?...’” - Matthew 26:38-44

Three times Christ prayed that God would change His plans... 

Luke 22:44 even says: "And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." 

Have you even been so stressed out that you sweat blood? Me neither. It's amazing how our bodies exhibit stress. I've written on here before about how bad my anxiety attacks have been - my mind has raced making it near to impossible to get a clear thought, I've lost full nights of sleep on numerous occasions, had severe migraines for weeks, been so irritable to the point where I've isolated myself for days, my hair has fallen out...but not once have I sweat drops of blood. I’ve heard cases of people who struggle with anxiety so much that they can’t even leave their home - but none of those cases involved sweating drops of blood. 

Jesus knew what was coming. He knew what He was soon going to go through - and it "overwhelmed" Him "with sorrow to the point of death." 

Yet putting aside every overwhelming feeling and denying Himself, He prayed for God's will. 

There's a part of me that wants to know exactly what Christ was feeling that night. To feel, even for one second, the amount of stress and sorrow that was overwhelming Him. To know His exact thoughts and struggles - maybe then I would better understand just how great a sacrifice it was for Him. 

We've heard and read the story of Christ's crucifixion and the moments leading up to it hundreds of times. 

We've heard His prayer in Gethsemane on countless occasions. We know how it goes - or at least we think we do... 

What about the earlier years of His life? Did He always think about who He was and what was to come? Even when He was a child? What child do you know would hear of pain to come and run to it rather than from it? 

I’ve heard the song Garden by NEEDTOBREATHE probably a hundred times - but it wasn't until I had heard it probably 50 times that I realized just what it was talking about…

Won't you take this cup from me 
Cause fear has stolen all my sleep 
If tomorrow means my death 
I pray you'll save their souls with it 

Let the songs I sing 
Bring joy to you 
Let the words I say profess my love 
Let the notes I choose 
Be your favorite tune 
Father let my heart be after you 

In this hour of doubt I see 
But who I am is not just me 
So give me strength to die myself 
So love can live to tell the tale 

Let the songs I sing 
Bring joy to you 
Let the words I say profess my love 
Let the notes I choose 
Be your favorite tune 
Father let my heart be after you 

Father let my heart be... 
For you 

Let the songs I sing 
Bring joy to you 
Let the words I say profess my love 
Let the notes I choose 
Be your favorite tune 
Father let my heart be after you 

What if Jesus had changed His mind that night in the garden? What if His prayer in Gethsemane went differently - maybe a little closer to the outcome we deserve... "All of these people I am about to die for are hopeless. I've walked the earth for years with them and they have watched me do miracles day after day and yet they still betray me. I'm not giving my life for them. They deserve nothing but every horrible punishment that comes their way. They deserve Hell."

But He wanted to obey God and save us more than He wanted to save Himself... 

Christ prays for God’s will for us…and all the while we are sleeping…

And through our actions of disobedience we continue to tell Him that all that He went through - all of His suffering and what He did wasn't enough - that He wasn't enough.

Sometimes, remembering what He did for me isn't the problem - It’s realizing what it meant. And not allowing myself to forget…

Let faith arise in spite of 
what I see Lord I believe
But help my unbelief 
I choose to trust You
No matter what I feel, let faith arise
Let faith arise
For my champion's not dead, He is alive! 
Oh, and He already knows my every need 
Surely He will come and rescue me

God of miracles come
We need Your supernatural 
love to break through
Nothing's impossible
You're the God of miracles

Let faith arise and see the kingdom come
I lift my eyes, oh
for the battle has been won
My God is faithful, oh 
and every single word
He said is true, oh

This world is shaking
but You cannot be shaken
My heart is breaking 
but I'm not broken yet
Your love is fearless 
Help me to be courageous too
Oh there is nothing impossible

For the God of miracles 
We need Your supernatural love
To break through, nothing's impossible
You're the God of miracles 

God of Miracles – Chris McClarney