What if you felt God telling you to do something a little scary?
What if you felt Him nudging you to step outside of your comfort zone and trust Him a little?
It's something that might sound a little crazy when you finally say it aloud.
People might be wondering what in the world you're doing...
But you know. You just know - that this little flame inside of you wasn't conjured by anything inside of you other than the Holy Spirit.
You don't know how...but you just know.
It's God.
Don't allow those moments...or nudges...to pass you by.
Don't sit back and try to reason them.
And most of all - don't doubt.
Don't doubt that the same God who has guided you and pulled you through time and time again won't be faithful to His promise to you. Don't doubt that He won't be there on the other end of this step.
You gotta take it though.
YOU have to be the one who obeys.
YOU have to be the one who pursues it and makes it happen.
God already has your steps planned and your path paved. All you have to do is listen and follow.
Don't allow chances to keep passing you by in life.
Before you know it, 50 years will pass by and you'll be sitting there wondering what would have happened if only you would have jumped.
Who cares what everyone else will say and think.
This is YOUR life.
Don't be afraid to live it.
If only you'll trust God, He'll exceed all of your expectations and hopes and He will bless you more than you can ever imagine.
So let Him.
Let Him guide you and use you.
When you finally know what He is telling you to do - don’t hesitate. PRAY, YES. But hesitate? That will only cause the flame to fade more and more until it burns out. Then you miss your opportunity and start to make excuses saying, “God must not have really wanted me to do that - or else I would still feel that nudge from Him.” The only one you’ll have to blame for your stagnant life at that point is yourself.
If you’re not growing - you’re not obeying.
You can do it.