I think I am learning what it truly means to love someone. There have been many times where I “thought” I loved people – but seeing how selfishly I have lived, I don’t have much testimony to back up my claim.
Putting others in front of yourself – does that mean you truly love them? I am not quite sure. But if you are doing it with the heart and conviction that Christ has given you, then I believe it means you truly love Christ and want what is best, not only for yourself, but those around you.
I will gladly be the first to admit that putting selfishness aside is one of the hardest things to do. It has been one of my greatest faults since I can remember and learning how to overcome it, is really one of the hardest journeys I have ever experienced.
I just have to find rest and peace in the fact that Christ knows what is best for me and if I continue to trust in Him, He will lead me where I am meant to go.
“We have no right in Christian service to be guided by our own interests and desires.” - Oswald Chambers
I can only pray that God continually makes His desires become my desires.