Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Short & sweet...

There are some things that I want to say, that I probably never will...and it’s nice to have somewhere to bring those thoughts too...

So even if the intended people never hear what I want to say, at least I know that someone will and believe it or not - that does make a difference.

You know when there is that one person in your life that you want to completely confide in and spill all of your thoughts and emotions to?

You want to know everything about this person’s life and what makes them keep going day to day. You want to know how God is growing them and using them. You want to know everything they think about – and you want them to want to know all of the same things about you…

You want to make them proud for just knowing you because they have made you so incredibly proud of them.

Maybe it is a friend or a family member, or maybe someone that you love…

Whoever it is, you know each time you talk to them, they make you feel somewhat more whole. Like God placed them in your life for a reason and you know that you are so blessed to have found them. Just by thinking about being in the same room with them and seeing them puts a smile on your face.

My heart goes out to those who did have someone like this, but lost them. I completely know how you feel. And it's hard. But you can always go to God.

Nothing gives me more comfort at night when I am lying there wishing that I could talk to that person, than knowing that I can just fall asleep in the arms of Jesus and He will never leave me.

Just a few songs on tonights playlist....