Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Simple as this...

Yesterday my best friend and I were talking about how we’re both at such a strange place in our lives…

It’s almost as if the world is at the tip of our fingers…

Nothing is holding us back and nothing is holding us down…

We could go almost anywhere and do almost anything we want…

We have so many choices in life…

Stay where we are? Move somewhere else? Go to this school? Go to that school? Apply for that job? Date that boy? And so on and so forth…

Thank the Lord I have so much going on right now…because if I didn’t, I know I would just be sitting here in constant worry over what the heck I should be doing with my life!

And for those times that I do start to think too much on it and I do start to panic…I can just hear God calm my fears: “Relax! I got this! And no…I don’t need your help!”

Of course, I can’t stay still for the rest of my life, and there are decisions that I do need to make! But with God guiding my days...I can never go wrong.

All I have to do is just pray that God closes windows and opens doors!

And if I do feel like things are not clear…then I just have to wait…

I have to wait as long as it takes for God to move me.

I think a lot of times when we pray and don’t really “hear” anything from God, we consider those as “unanswered prayers” but in reality, God hears and answers ALL of our prayers… sometimes just not exactly in the way we want, or in a way that we are looking for…and we can REST in the truth that He ALWAYS provides the best answer.

We just have to WAIT for HIM.

1 Corinthians 15:33 “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”