Wednesday, June 17, 2015


I drove 21 miles home tonight and then backtracked 46 miles to work and back just to go pick up my laptop so I could write tonight…so you KNOW what I have to say is pretty important………

Or “getting my laptop” was just an excuse to take a much needed late-night drive…

I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that.

While I am not yet done posting all of my lessons from my “Oh How He Loves Us” “series”…I feel an intermission is much needed at this time.

I feel there is a lesson that God keeps trying to teach me over and over. And it really is a sucky lesson. Every time I think I have learned it and I am “ready” to move on to the next lesson…something smacks me in the face and lets me know I still have a lot of work to do in that same area…

So I keep re-living this lesson…over and over and over and over and over and over and over…

When will I ever learn…

Sometimes…people just plain suck.

And the fact that people just plain suck at times…isn’t entirely my much-needed lesson – my much-needed lesson is learning to not put so much faith in people. Because…they are…people…just regular human beings. Just like me. And we all suck.

And no matter how much I love them or how much I respect or care for them and no matter how high up they are on that pedal stool…they are STILL people.

And they always will be.

And they sin.

And they always will.

Last week I finished reading a book called “Paper Towns”. I decided to read it because I had seen the preview for the movie coming out and I thought it looked like it might be a movie I might like…and I have learned that I CANNOT watch “the movie” before I read “the book” because it honestly – it just…I just…no. I can’t. The Harry Potter movies are some of my favorite movies of all time. But I have tried to read the first book probably…AT LEAST 5 times…and I just cant. It’s so boring to me…the furthers I got was…well…I’m not going to act like I remember…it was just too much effort…But I think it is just because really – I have an awful imagination. And I can’t make my brain put any other storyline to the story because I have already seen it. Now Lord of The Rings…my OTHER ALL time favorite. I read the books before I saw the movies…and I LOVE both the books and the movies…………….I used to fall asleep to the movies every night in college…just one of the ways I drove my roommate crazy…

But anywho…that was seriously ALL irrelevant…

So this book…”Paper Towns”…I really can’t even decide if I liked the book…or if the author is even a good writer at all…like…it was so anti-climatic….and so…dry….and just….I don’t know…maybe it was because no magical land or creature was involved…it was just…meh. Or maybe it is because it is for a much younger audience than me……I like those cheesy teenage movies though…I guess I figure as long as I look like a teenager…I can have the emotional instability of one…

But there were a few times where the author just totally caught me off guard…

“What a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person.”

This guy…I really just finished the book not even a week ago and I can’t even remember the main characters name…but it’s a boy. So Boy thinks he’s like madly in love with this girl named Margo and this whole book he just fantasizes her into someone she isn’t at all. He grew up with her but he barely knew her…then one day she just decides to run away because she’s crazy and just needs attention and is insecure or something who knows and Boy does all this research about how to find her and just builds her up so much that when he finally does find her it’s like….such crap. They finally kiss and then they both go their separate ways. Actually…maybe it is a GOOD book for teenage girls to read these days because we seem live in such a society where these dramatic/tragic love stories are around every corner, depicting such unrealistic views of love…like the movie If I Stay…we even had a discussion on that movie in a bible study with the high school girls not too long ago because of the negative influence it was having on teen girls…I mean don’t get me wrong…I loved that movie…I bawled the whole way through it…I told you – I eat that crap up…but it’s just not realistic. And it’s very unhealthy for girls to fantasize/obsess over finding “a man like so and so” or a “relationship like theirs”…it’s just cray.

Anywho…I digress again…how do I keep doing that…

So…”Paper Towns”…Boy fantasizes over Margo (awful dumb name for a teen girl first of all – but I think unusual/unexpected is the point here…sorry if you’re name is Margo…I mean what do I know…I’m a girl named Michal…I have older people tell me how awful my name is at least once a week…at least…anywho) turns her into someone she isn’t…leaves…he finds her…she’s mad he finds her (A very realistic portrayal of an immature teen girl actually)…they kiss…go their separate ways…wah wah. But…I actually was so intrigued by how much the author stressed how crucial it is for people to not look at other people as anything more than…people.

And this is my never-ending lesson.

I idealize people way too much. I always have.

And yet I am such a judgmental person. I have learned to be full of grace – mind you – but my judgments are endless…those two don’t seem like they make sense at all…

Some times I think I have too much grace for people. Is that even possible?

There are so many times recently where I question who I am. I would do anything for my friends and the people I love – but lately – I feel like maybe I do too much for them. And maybe – the things I do are just taken for granted. Not that the reason I do what I do is to gain anything in return from anyone else…because that’s just who I am and it makes me happy…but I don’t know…

But I don’t want to change who I am.

Sometimes I just want to be alone for days and lose touch of everyone around me…

It’s just always been quite the challenge for me – love but don’t idealize.

It’s been the foundational downfall of most of my relationships…and myself.

“But isn’t it also that on some fundamental level we find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are? We idealize them as gods or dismiss them as animals.”

It’s just SO dangerous for us to allow ANYONE to take the place of God in our lives – ANYONE or ANYTHING. And I know that…it’s just I need to REALIZE it…

It’s hard to accept that everyone else is human…just like us. We all sin…even if we do it differently.

I don’t know…I guess that’s all I have to say on the matter right now…

“The fundamental mistake I had always made – and that she had, in fairness, always led me to make – was this: Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl.”

Sometimes it sucks being a person and living in a world with a bunch of other persons…