Tuesday, August 20, 2013

He has a CRUSH on me!!!

There is just something about getting together with a friend and talking about God!

I have this friend whom I love dearly! We have been pretty good friends since high school. He is one of my favorite people to hang out with and talk to, because some how, no matter what we start off talking about, we always end up talking about God. I love it so much because I not only get to see a fellow Christian’s love and heart for God, but I get to see a MAN’s heart for God. Every time I am with him I just think to myself…”This is what a REAL MAN looks like!” A man after God’s own heart…someone who is actively pursing Him and working to better himself in every way possible.

I believe every single girl needs that single guy friend who shows her an amazing example of what a TRUE, HONEST, GENUINE, RESPECTFUL, CHRIST-LIKE MAN looks like.

Ladies…if you’re afraid (like I have been so many times) that all the “good ones” are taken…don’t lose hope!!! The GOOD ONE for you is out there waiting for you to come along, just like you are waiting for him!

Anyways…back to what I was saying =]

So my friend and I started talking about God and he was telling me about this book that he has been reading and how it is really convicting him and helping him see where he needs to better himself and prepare himself for his future wife!

He does not have too many other Christian friends that he hangs out with so he started talking about how it can be difficult for him at times because the people he hangs out with most, are not really the best of influences, and it can be easy, at times, to be influenced by them.

It was perfect because yesterday morning in Sunday school, the main pastor at our church spoke to the high school and junior high about God’s “crush”! This is when you have sin in your life that you are consciously aware of and you are feeling guilty about it.

I thought I was the only person who had ever been there.

When I am struggling with something and I know it’s not right, but I want to ignore it so badly because I want to live the way that I want to live at times. So I continue on with whatever I know I should not be doing and then eventually it’s like I lose all excitement in life. And I do not find joy in the things that I once found joy in, because this sin has taken over so much of my life and just suffocates me! I get to the point where I am just miserable and miserable to be around!

Believe it or not…this is a GOOD thing!!! It is God convicting me and pulling me back to Him and making me realize that I am NEVER going to be satisfied or find joy in anything BUT Him!!! He is crushing me!! Crushing me to the point where I have absolutely no choice but to turn back to Him and repent and get rid of my sin! It is God telling me He loves me and He will not allow me to sway too far from Him because He cares about me way too much to allow me to find joy and fulfillment in something other than Him, especially in something as disgusting as sin!

"For whom the Lord loves, He corrects..." - Proverbs 3:12

I have seen this SO many times in my life…but I don’t think I have ever been able to describe exactly what it was before. I think I just thought that something was wrong with me! Which is both right and wrong at the same time. My sin is WRONG…but I can rest assured that God has not forgotten about me and me being so miserable without Him is RIGHT!

I was talking to my friend about the story of Moses and Aaron and the Israelites from Deuteronomy 9. After he lead the Israelites from Egypt, Moses went to Mount Sinai to meet with God for forty days. During this time the Israelites grew impatient and starting complaining, so Aaron made a golden calf for them to worship out of all of their treasures. God told Moses what was happening and told him to go back to the Israelites and He wanted to destroy them, but Moses pleaded with God for their safety. Moses had just spent forty whole days in God’s presence!!! How incredible is that?!! And Aaron, who was not in God’s presence, became swayed by the people and tried to please their wishes instead of God’s. But Moses could not be swayed because His faith was so strong in God!

How incredible is that?!

Just imagine being so immersed with God’s presence that NOTHING can sway you!!! Sure, you may become tempted from time to time…but your heart is so focused on Christ, that you have a strength greater than any temptation in the world, you have Christ’s strength!

If you’re like me…then thinking about something like this can be very overwhelming…

“That’s just not even possible for me…” I automatically feed myself defeat.

Believing EXACTLY what the enemy wants me to believe…setting myself up for failure.

But then I just think…or rather…God REMINDS ME:

The SAME GOD who empowered David to stand up against and defeat Goliath (1 Samuel 17:20-51),

The SAME GOD who saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3),

The SAME GOD who caused the walls of Jericho to collapse (Joshua 6),

The SAME GOD who caused Gideon’s army of 300 men to conquer an army of 135,000 Midianites (Judges 6-8),

The SAME GOD who changed the heart of Saul of Tarsus into Paul the Apostle (Acts 9),

The SAME GOD who empowered Peter to walk on water (Matthew 14) and Moses to part the Red Sea (Exodus 14),

The SAME GOD who kept the lions from eating Daniel while he was in the lions den, but then allowed those lions to eat the men who plotted Daniel’s death (Daniel 6),

The SAME GOD who interlaced every single detail of Josephs’ CRAZY life (Genesis),

The SAME GOD who sent His only Son to this earth to become human and take on ALL of the worlds’ sin, and die on the cross to pay the ultimate sacrifice so that we never have to…

Is the SAME GOD whom we worship and follow!

He is the God who not only LIVES in us, but who GIVES US LIFE! He lives and breathes in us. He inspires us and moves us! He gives us direction and purpose.



And He has ALREADY defeated the enemy!!!


“The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: ‘Yes I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt…’” – Jeremiah 31:3,4

And if you are His, then He will not allow you to be without Him.

“So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.” – Deuteronomy 8:3