Monday, June 24, 2013

"A title that is much more appropriate than the one I really want to put..."

There is something that I struggle with a lot.

I know everyone has that one “hang-up” that they just continue to struggle with over and over again…

It could be anything. From things that just seem so simple and harmless like occasionally lying or cheating, or things that have a more serious ring to them like stealing, or drugs…sex…porn…any form of addiction…etc.

In exactly 29 days from now, I will turn 25 years old…which means I will have been struggling with this one thing for about 15 years…possibly…probably more.

I would have hoped that by now, I would have already overcome this incredibly unwanted sin of mine… I wish I could say that I conquered that battle…defeated that beast…burned that bridge…but on the contrary, instead of being a pro at dominating my struggle…I’ve just become a pro at making excuses for it…

And Satan knows this all too well.

This all was starting to become so discouraging to me for a while there.

I was ready to give up. “Throw in the towel”. I might as well just accept that this is something I have struggled with for SUCH a long time and I will most likely struggle with it until the day Christ takes me home.

I was already “desensitized” to the actual reasons for WHY my struggle is indeed a sin, but I was starting to let myself become desensitized to the fact that it IS, INDEED, a sin.

I could hear the voice of Satan just whispering in my ear…telling me that I’m not capable of change…and I might as well just accept that this is me…and this is who I am always going to be.

I don’t know how to “verbally” express how devastated this has been making me feel…I think you just gotta take my word for it…

I had come to a point where part of me was just starting to accept the fact that I will most likely never change…and I will never be capable of being a healthy person…

I was struggling with how to keep myself from potential situations where I could commit this sin again…and the only things I could come up with…were pretty drastic! It’s what psychologists call “white-knuckling” it…like when, instead of going to AA meetings, an alcoholic just locks themselves in a room with no way of being able to get alcohol for as long as it takes them to overcome their addiction.

This, clearly, is not the ideal way of overcoming sin…but then…how else could I “force” myself to no longer struggle with this…

When and why did I start to believe the lie that I am alone in all of this?

“Christ is in your corner. He’s rooting for you to win!”

Do you know the bible says that Christ mediates for us???

Romans 8:34 states that Christ intercedes for us! He pleads for us! For Heaven’s sake - He DIED for us!!

While we were still Christ’s enemies…He gave His life for us (Romans 5:10)

And Christ has already won. He has conquered the enemy.

And as Christians…whatever we struggle with…has already been defeated and buried in the ground.

It’s done. It’s over. The battle has been won.

Of course, while I am still on earth I will have this same struggle, along with plenty others…but I don’t HAVE to. I am not at a loss. I AM capable of change. It may take some time…but it CAN happen.

Christ has given me a NEW HEART! (Ezekiel 36:26)

“When you are tempted to think that the battle is lost and you might as well give up and serve other gods, plead with the Spirit to help you know that your enemy is a condemned death-row criminal awaiting execution of his sentence (Rev. 20:10).” – Elyse Fitzpatrick, Idols Of The Heart

The truth is that I, by myself, am not capable of change. But I am not by myself. I have the Holy Spirit. And when I start to believe the lie that I am not capable of change, I start to believe something even greater: Christ’s sacrifice was for nothing. My sins are way too great, and His death on the cross was not sufficient.

It is insane how I can let one lie chalk full of self-doubt and pity turn into the greatest lie of all: That Christ is not enough.

There’s a war in my body.
I could tell you the story – but you, you wouldn’t understand.
There’s a war in my body.
It just fights to be holy – but not, not with all that I am.
I’m torn. I’m broken. I’m split in two.
I’ve got a thousand demons.
But still I’m yearning for you.
I’m lost. I’m wretched. I’m giving up hope.
But you’re right there with me saying, “Don’t let go.”
Don’t let me go.
Sometimes I feel as if it’ll all take me over.
Sometimes I feel that it’s all too much.
I swear this will be the death of me.
You could taste my heresy with just one touch.
But God it’s so wrong – I swear it’s not me.
I’m better, I promise. Or at least I want to be.
God I’m so lost. I’m so sick of this fight.
My mind keeps me trapped in what I know isn’t right.
So I pray and I pray – reveal Yourself to me.
I fall to my knees and I beg and I plead.
I know it’s all lies. In my head, they just ring.
God I just wait for the peace that You bring.

“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13