Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wilted flowers on a GOOD day

Last night I remembered how much I love red wine.

Today, I opened my apartment windows for the first time this year & remembered how much I love natural, fresh air blowing gently around me.

I also remembered that I wasn't wearing pants, AND that my neighbor was outside working on his car…the two don’t really go hand-in-hand…

Lately I have been singing at the top of my lungs in my car (okay - mom van…it’s a work vehicle) to Spanish music (currently soaking up and trying to learn as much Spanish as possible…)

Right now I’m drinking dandelion tea and I have garlic chicken and zucchini noodles cooking on my cute little 1950’s style oven…

I’m also debating whether or not I should regret the java chip frappuccino I had for breakfast and the Dr. Pepper I had for lunch…(to be fair I did have chicken and steamed veggies with it…) or if I should excuse my weaknesses and consider it just part of my attempt at a “balanced” lifestyle…(who am I kidding…I know NO balance…)

I’m in the middle of a hilarious texting conversation with one of my best friends in the world, listening to John Mark McMillan and thinking about continuing to read the book that I am the middle of.

Life is good.

There is a food program at my work every week day where we pick up produce and bread from local grocery stores and hand it out to low income families. Each morning, I choose to hand out the flowers. I’ve never understood why I always choose handing out the flowers as my job. That is, after all, what the clients are the most picky about.

“I want that house plant.”

“I don’t want those red roses, I want the yellow.”

“Can you pull out the eucalyptus from the (tightly wrapped) bouquet? I’m allergic.” (so am I…)

And don’t even get me started on the loose flowers that we receive and how pesky they can be when trying to bundle them into their own little group…

And Lord please, please don’t let me be foolish enough to make them uneven. If this bundle has 8 flowers, then they all must have 8 flowers. To accept anything less than balance and perfection is a ridiculous thought.

I make the clients sound so ungrateful…haha and I promise you - that is NOT my intention. I’m simply just trying to make the point that…some may be a little picky at times haha.

Yesterday I was handing the flowers out as usual and I got down to the last few pathetic looking (lets be honest - dead and ugly) flowers. Usually when I get to that point, I just stop handing them out and throw the rest away because who wants to be handed 3 wilting, browning, flowers, while struggling to hold 2 bags full of groceries, 3 loaves of bread, 1 carton of eggs and a half-gallon of milk? I’d rather get nothing at all. And I’d be sure that the look on my face made whoever was handing me the 3 wilting flowers, felt stupid for trying to do such a thing, when they see how much I am struggling.

But not Sheila.

Sheila is a new face in the crowd at my work. Like many of our clients, Sheila lived comfortably and had a decent amount of money for the majority of her life. Until recently. An unexpected health issue and several Doctors visits for her husband, and Sheila now has to stand in a line she never dreamed of standing in and receive food from a program that she never thought she would have to be apart of.

Now that doctor bills are a factor, their $1,800 (total) of Social Security a month leaves them with little-to-nothing left over for food and other living necessities. 

So here Sheila is.

And there she was yesterday morning as I was down to the last few wilted, browning, pathetic, dead flowers. I don’t know why I didn’t just throw them away…I think I just felt bad for the people who would have gotten nothing at all, somehow thinking that these ugly flowers were better than no flowers.

I picked up the yellow….daisy…looking one….the two floppy roses, and the last bit of greenery and handed it half-heartedly in Sheila’s direction.

Her smile was unreal.

“Oh my gosh, those are beautiful! I love yellow! Yellow is my favorite! Those are so beautiful! Thank you! Thank you so much! Have a great day!!”

I think I was more confused than anything.

Either Sheila was being completely sarcastic or Sheila crazy.

But that smile said it all.

I can’t get it out of my head.

Lately, I’ve had such negativity stuck in my head. Hurtful words have kept replaying. Insecurities have been haunting. Enough to where it has kept me from sleeping a night or two. Fear has curled up at my feet and, like my clingy, relentless three year old dog, has done everything it could to capture all of my attention.

But now, the only thing that has been stuck in my head, is Sheila’s smile.


You have nothing but heartache and struggles - and I’m handing you something that was once beautiful, but is now ugly and smells like dirty, stale water.

And yet, not only do you smile - you THANK me. You genuinely thank me.

And you mean it.

This morning after we were cleaning up from the food program, I was speaking with one of the volunteers. Harold is an older man - maybe my grandfathers age. But you’d never know it. He has the charm and pep of a 30 year old man. And his heart is to just give, give, give. I constantly fear over-working him. He’s the one who shows up 45 minutes early to your previously scheduled meeting time and calls you 15 times asking where you are! haha…Harold is awesome.

A the end of our conversation I just looked at him and said, “It’s been a good morning.”

He agreed, “Yes it has. And it’s going to be a good day.” 

“I hope so.” I replied.

“Oh it’ll be a good day. You know why? Because I’m choosing for it to be.”

I don’t know much about Harold’s life. And I don’t know too much about Sheila’s life either. But I do know that they both make the CHOICE to be positive. They make the CHOICE for each day, no matter what happens, to be a good day.


When I got off work this evening, something happened. Something incredibly small, yes, but something that would normally bring up insecurities and discomfort in me. Something that had the potential to cause my “good day” to completely do a 180 and destroy it. Normally I would think and rethink and rethink and keep rethinking about something like this, until it mentally exhausted and depressed me.

But I thought about Sheila and Harold. And how they, without meaning to I’m sure, flicked some switch inside of me and helped to encourage me to look at life a little differently. The small, effortless actions and words that took up a quick second of their energy, somehow made a HUGE and (hopefully) lasting impact on me.

Their strength is giving me strength.

How many people do I come into contact with each day where I have the opportunity to strengthen them in that same way?

It’s so exciting to think about. The purpose, responsibility, and opportunity that God gives us to ENCOURAGE people. To share JOY with them. To LOVE them. To help them rewire their thinking and look at life with a little more positivity and hope. To HEAL them.

I can’t help but think about how we are all on our own little journey…mostly stuck in our own little worlds, thinking (and caring) nothing about what is going on with the people around us…and if we would just make the conscious decision each day to stop looking at the negative around us, but to breathe in the things that give us hope and joy and life. No matter how simple these things are. How much lighter would we be? And how much lighter could we make others if we were to share that with them?

That’s my goal.

To look at dead, ugly, wilted, pathetic flowers and instead of seeing them for what they appear to be and what everyone else may see them as, to see my favorite color and an omen for a GOOD day.

Monday, March 13, 2017

"oh the lies fear has tried"

I don't want to...but I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm a complete fake. A fraud. I say one thing, do another and even think something entirely different.

I'm a bit of a psycho to put it mildly.

I try to talk so brave, but I'm probably one of the most fearful people I know.

People, are just people. No one is perfect. No one shows kindness and love 100% of the time. No one goes through life and never has selfish motives or actions.

It scares me, because people are imperfect and can be messy and crazy and even dangerous...and people are EVERYWHERE. All around us. All around us are people that can make us whole or tear us to pieces. People are unpredictable and unreliable.

People are sinners.

I am a sinner.

I'm imperfect and messy and crazy and I can be dangerous. I can build someone up or wreck them entirely. I'm like a loaded weapon, cocked and ready to fire at any minute. In self-defense, maybe - but whether i’m the first or second to fire doesn't really matter. What matters is that I fire at all. That I even take the shot. Because once something is done, it can never be undone.

It's scary knowing you. But it's also scary being me.

But in truth: fear is going to come. And it's going to want you to quit. Quit whatever it is that you are doing to grow and heal and make yourself better and stronger. It’s going to turn you into someone that you don’t want to be. It’s going to throw whatever thoughts or words or actions at you that it knows are going to cut you the deepest. How? Because not only is fear alive and well all around this world...but it's also very much alive and well within us. No matter how much it wants you to think otherwise, it lives and breathes.

Like a ravenous, blood-thirsty enemy, fear watches our every move. It studies us. It takes account of when we wake up in the morning and when we go to sleep at night. It sees what makes us bleed and what makes us thrive. And when we are most vulnerable, it attacks. And if that attack isn't enough, it learns our self-defense tactics and strikes again even harder, and if it needs to, it will strike again. It will keep striking until it finally breaks down our walls.

I am full of fear. And like that blood-thirsty enemy, I can attack at any moment. 

Fear doesn't know how to surrender.

Fear holds us in the things that hurt us. Fear tells an abused woman that she can never leave an abusive relationship and even if she does, she'll never heal. Fear tells a young girl who's being bullied, that that's her life, so she might as well get used to it. Fear looks at a broken sinner and tells them it's okay to relive the past over and over again and dwell in their hurt. Fear tells us the cross of Christ is not enough to forgive us, or anyone who has hurt us. Fear destroys our soul, our mind and our sobriety. Fear keeps us helpless. 

Fear tells us that we have to be afraid. It tells us that there’s no other way to live life. It traps and blinds us. It takes our insecurities and heightens them.

Fear tells us we can’t change, we won’t change.

If we finally work up enough courage to face fear head-on and try to conquer it - we need to fight it with its counterpart and replace it with something entirely opposite of it and MUCH more powerful, because fear is not going to give up easily.

What is the opposite of fear? What encourages us and grows us? What looks at our insecurities and calls us perfect? What heals and strengthens us? What sees our broken heart and mends its wounds? LOVE

“The beauty of LOVE is that it can drive out fear if you allow it.” - Steve Carter

Love lays down its pride. Unlike fear, love doesn't encourage hate or hostility. Love doesn't mock or ridicule us.

Love will listen to your deepest hurts - but it won't leave you there. It won't allow you to dwell and obsess over it. It'll pick you up, help you to dust yourself off, and push you. Push you to grow. To learn. Push you to become better than you ever were before.

Each day I have the ability to instill either LOVE or FEAR into someone else. Each person that crosses my path. Each person who comes into my work. Each person that calls me or texts me. I have a choice. I can show them love - or I can show them fear. I can raise their value - or I can diminish their spirits. I can point them to Christ - or I can mock everything they least like about themselves.

But I have to choose. I can’t have both. I can’t choose who I show love to and who I don’t show it to. I have to be consistent. Because if I choose love, I have to FULLY choose love. And by doing that I have to FULLY reject fear. Because “there is NO FEAR IN LOVE.” (1 John 4:18)

And if I choose love. Then I choose to love EVERYONE. And I cannot deny the way they were created. Love WILL NOT disrespect another person or dismiss the image of God in them. Love WILL NOT open its arms to you and then ridicule everything you have to lay at its feet. Love WILL NOT show you kindness one minute and betray you the next. Love WILL NOT put on a mask and pretend to be something it’s not. LOVE CANNOT BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT IT IS.

So I encourage you - let go of fear. Let go of anything and everything holding you back in life. Let go of all the negativity and hurt that you have been holding on to and may even be creating. Let yourself HEAL and let yourself LOVE. And if anything tries to stop you or tear you down - LET GO OF IT. No matter what or who it is. Let them go. No matter what FEAR tells you, you don’t need them! You don’t need anything or anyone that tears you down in life. Because they are NOT love. 

The amazing thing is - that when you let go of fear and all of its negativities and lies, the way you look at others will change. The way you look at yourself will change. You’ll realize that you’re strong and capable and not too many things will be able to hurt you - because you’ll be able to recognize the fear all around you and the fear in other people and instead of seeing their words and/or actions as ammo - you’ll see it as exactly what it is: FEAR.

But don’t return their fear with your own. Build them up. Raise their value. Show them love.

Fear doesn't want you to grow, but love, “…Love’s flames are fiery flames - the fiercest of all” (Song of Songs 8:6). Fear wont give up easily - but neither will love. Love will fight. And love will conquer.

The story is already written. Love has already won.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I wanna I wanna love

Miss. Eva is a spicy ‘ol rascal.

I’m not even going to try to guess her age…I’d say late 80’s……maybe closer to 200…haha kidding…

Some people never truly know just what is going to come out of her mouth…

But I almost always know the nature of the conversations she's going to strike up with me each morning…

“Come here little boss, listen. I want you to listen…”

She always has something encouraging to say as soon as I walk through the door at work.

Most of the time I am able to multi-task when talking (or listening) to her…getting emails completed, cans stocked, bags fluffed, fruit sorted…but one morning not too long ago she grabbed me by the shoulders demanding my attention.

“What does the Lord say?”

I’d like to say that something completely spiritual overtook me and the perfect bible verse came into my mind - but no. Blank. My mind was as blank as the expression on my face.


(……more blankness……)

“What did He tell Peter?”


“He said to Peter, ‘Peter if you love me, feed my sheep.’ Feed my sheep! That’s what you’re doing here little boss! You’re feeding the Lords’ sheep! You’re doing the Lord’s work!!”

This was not a morning that I was able to focus on anything else other than what Miss. Eva was telling me…

You know when people say something to you, like something good, something that compliments you, and you just don’t know how to respond? I’ll be honest - I only either think one of two things…either: “It’s about damn time you noticed!” ooorrrrr (and this is what happens most of the time) “This person has NO CLUE who I am. This is super awkward. I’m not going to make any eye contact. I’m just going to involuntarily mumble something that resembles the words ‘aww thank you’ but in a super uncomfortable manner, because I know I don’t deserve anything they just said. Then I’m going to go find some food I can shove into my mouth so I have an excuse not to say anything else…”

This particular morning it was the latter…and my mind was hoping that a big plate of COSTCO chocolate chocolate chip muffins would magically appear in front of me so that I could shove them all into my mouth and distract myself from feeling like the big fake I truly am and knew I was at that moment…

The Lord’s work.

Doing the Lord’s work…

I am doing the Lord’s work.

Am I though….?

One of my friends introduced me to a beautiful Bible Study series called She Reads Truth.

It’s gorgeous.

If any of you enjoy pretty things…(and Jesus)…you’ll definitely enjoy these studies…

We just ended a study on Song of Songs…the book of *love*.

And it was completely fitting into my life like a chocolate chocolate chip muffin fits into my mouth when I’m feeling awkward.

I already knew I was selfishly holding onto what little love I had left in me…But this study has helped me realize even more: Love…is something I have been seriously lacking in my life lately.

I have a family whom I love…I have a boyfriend whom I love…I have friends who I love…but what about the people who don’t fall into those categories? The people who I don’t consider my family, boyfriend, or friends….

I have a lot of goals for my 2017 year - maybe I’ll go into them in a later blog…or maybe I’ll write a blog about them when I complete them, that way It'll save me any embarrassment if I horribly fail at them…

One of those goals - is kind of more of a life goal…to LOVE.

Love God, love my family, love my friends, love my boyfriend, love myself, love people I don’t know, love people I come into contact with each day, love people I’ll never meet. Love deeper. Love harder. Love quicker. Love better. Love more. Tough Love. Easy Love (not too easy now…). JUST LOVE.

“Love is patient.” I want to BE PATIENT

“Love is kind.” I want to BE KIND

“Love does not envy.” I want to BE HAPPY FOR PEOPLE

“Love does not boast.” I AM NOTHING WITHOUT GOD

“Love is not conceited.”

“Love does not act improperly.” I want to LIVE ABOVE REPROACH

“Love is not selfish.” I want to GIVE LOVINGLY

“Love is not provoked.” I NEED to BE QUICK TO LISTEN - SLOW TO SPEAK

“Love does not keep a record of wrongs.” I want to FORGIVE. FORGET.

“If I speak human or angelic languages but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging symbol.”  — No matter how eloquent my speech may be…if it’s not coming from a place of love…my words fall flat and have no meaning.

But here’s where it got me:

Here’s where that ol’ rascal Eva’s words struck my heart…

“And if I donate all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body in order to boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:3)

If I donate ALL my goods to feed the poor. If I give ALL my time to serve His people. If I give every single part of myself to “help” His Children. If I devote my life to feeding His sheep - but do it all without love…It’s doing absolutely nothing for me.



I might be blessing other people, sure…but what do I have to gain from it? Where am I growing? Where am I connecting? Where am I glorifying God?

I’m so focussed on being “better” this year - but if one ounce of this desire of “betterness" is not driven by love. It’s nothing.

I may as well give up now and count myself defeated.

I think one of the worst parts is…it is my EVERY DAY JOB to serve people. Literally - I get paid to help people. 

How is that bad?

It can be VERY misleading. It’s bad enough fooling other people into thinking I’m such a *good* person - but so often - I even fool myself.

Is it an act of love if my every day job requires me to do it?

This terrifies me.

Appearing as someone I am not. Or actually…BEING someone I am not.

People thinking I am one way - when really…I may be the exact opposite.

Because in all truthfulness - If I wasn't getting paid to serve strangers…I don’t know that I’d make the choice to volunteer to do it.

But every day - I see people who are MUCH better than I am. I see people who MAKE THE CHOICE TO SERVE. People who don’t have to get up by 7 am every morning. People who don’t get paid to lift heavy boxes and sort through rotten fruit. People who MAKE THE CHOICE TO LOVE. Each day. 

Not so that they are able to boast about what they do - but just for the simple fact that they have the desire to serve. To serve God and to serve His people.

THAT’S who I want to be.

No more handing out food to people and not knowing their names.

No more entering a child’s date of birth into the application system and not knowing the color of their hair.

No more brushing off people who are asking for help when I’m quick to assume that I have no way of helping them.

No more dodging peering, hungry eyes when I am “busy” at my computer.

No more walking through the office door in the morning hoping no one starts a conversation with me because I have “so much” work to do.

No more holding onto the love God has given me.

I want to feed His sheep and know their stories.

I want to do the Lord’s work.

I want to LOVE.