Friday, September 13, 2013

It's a knock-down-drag-out war

Alright. I give.

I’ve tried for what seems like so long now to not write about this.

“No way!” I’ve told myself. I set stern, specific, very solid boundaries for myself and swore that, at least for the time being, I was going to be stronger.

I’ll be “vulnerable” and write my posts with “humility” but this takes the two to completely different levels… so I refuse.

And I was doing very well. I am very proud of myself for “staying strong” for so long…but now, I am afraid, my stubbornness must come to a colossal…crashing…end.

I received some pretty exciting news lately about some friends of mine. Something that I should be ecstatic about! But when I found out, I knew my reaction was substantially less than what the deliverer of the news had expected. Shoot…my reaction was substantially less than what I had expected. I may have been able to pull off a smiley “congratulations” at the moment…and being my prying self, thankfully I had enough practice to make it seem as if I wanted details…but later that day after leaving my friend, when I had more time to think about it, I became jealous. And later that night…I cried myself to sleep.

It was easier before, back when I was a cynic to it all. Back when I was not entirely sure I wanted to believe there was such a thing as “true love”.

But hold on. Let’s back up…because lack of “true love” is not where this started.

My career and education is where it started. I attended a University for 4 ½ years, and at the end of that time, I walked the stage at graduation, shook hands with the head of my department and the schools president, and smiled for a picture with my fake diploma. (okay everyone took a picture with a fake diploma) But if they had been the real things, then mine still would have been fake. I “graduated” with 8 deficient credits because I pushed off my least favorite subjects until the very end of college: Biology and Physical Science. That was, now, almost 2 ½ years ago. For situations I really don’t care to explain…I have not been able to finish up those classes until now! Finally!

How do I explain that to someone? “Well I walked…so I no longer attend that school, but I don’t have my bachelors so I can’t yet put that on a resume…so for now I can’t really use my degree in the work field…I still have two classes…yada yada yada…” it gets old…and try writing that on a job application…”Year I attended 4 ½ years of college but have not yet received my bachelors…it uh….got lost in the mail…?”

So yes, person whom I have not seen or spoken with in several years. I am now 25 years old. I live with my parents. I’m still in the process of getting my bachelors degree, and I only work three days a week…doing things that don’t have much to do with my degree.

I wont even try to justify my current situation by explaining the events of my life. Because you know what, I could have done things differently. I could have finished all of my classes while I was still at the university, I could have stayed in Arizona and kept my great paying job and be living on my own and not with my parents. But things just didn’t happen that way. And I don’t believe that that was by chance.

So when you ask me, in a condescending tone, why I do not currently have a career in my field of education and why I am “wasting” all of that time and money put into my schooling…you’re not helping me. And when you give me a “look” of dissatisfaction about me moving back in with my parents…you’re not building me up.

Meanwhile…there are things that I am able to do to lighten the mood of it all…like referring to my parents as my “roommates” instead of my parents…a humor tactic derived from one of my dear friends who is also my age and living with his parents…I mean…who also has roommates…

So that is where this has started…negative reactions from people who disapprove with where my “career” life is at…and it’s only getting worse.

So where was I…ah yes…

…it was easier before, back when I was a cynic to it all. Back when I was not entirely sure I wanted to believe there was such a thing as “true love”.

“I never want to get married.”

I had everyone, including myself, so fooled.

It’s easier to deal with things in life when you refuse to admit them.

And it’s all thanks to you! You disgustingly gooshy romantic couples who are so in love with your high school sweethearts and your 2 gorgeous babies and another on the way. And you! You perfect newlyweds who are starting your new “exciting” lives together and having “sleepovers” with your “best friend” every night…from now until…well forever! And you…you couples who have been married for several years now and are deciding to finally have a child…

It’s all your fault. YOU are the cause of what has become of me…

Okay…I’m not angry with you and I really don’t even “blame you”…through your hearts and your love for your spouse and your children, God has given me a change of heart. And thus brings me to why relationships genuinely terrify me. I know myself enough to know that I never know what I want.

If I could, at one time, feel so dead set against something and then all of a sudden wake up one day with a change of heart toward it…then how will I ever know that what I “feel” is really what I want and what is for me?

In high school…or shall I refer to it as “my younger years” I had an idea of the perfect man for me. And praise the good Lord I never found that guy.

The perfect man for me has gone through MANY major life changes throughout the years…

He has gotten full sleeve tattoos…while a needle with ink has never touched his skin
He has received an education from the most prestigious of grad schools…he ran off to travel the world immediately after high school
He’s lived in the big city, scraping by as a hopeless romantic musician…he’s square danced at his hometowns country club in Tennessee since before high school
He’s been a standup comedian…he’s a youth pastor
He’s aggressively approached me with cheesy flirtatious humor…he’s shyly eyed me from the corner of the room
He’s been the class clown…he’s been the “bad boy”
He loves to watch old movies and cuddle on the couch…he hates to stay indoors
He writes and recites poetry…he has no idea what an allegory is
And last but not least, he has starred in all of my favorite romantic movies: comedies and dramas.

If I ever met a man who embodied all of the things I “think” I want…He’d most likely suffer from a serious case of multiple personality disorder.

So be thankful I have not gotten married yet…because I would probably be trapped in a horror film.

Moving on…

A few years ago one of my friends was talking about a girl she knew, who had gone through a “rebel” stage shall we say, and now that she had grown out of it, she was worried that God was not going to ever give her someone to marry because she had lived such a bad lifestyle before.

TRUST ME. I thought this worry was utterly ridiculous as well. But now that I am in that same position…sometimes I cannot help but wonder the same thing. Feel free to be honest and admit that you may, at times, have this “punishment/reward” mentality about God as well.

I’ve made mistakes…I’ve done things I certainly am not proud of. And now, at times…I do wonder if God has chosen to not allow me to get married because of my past.

I know it’s ridiculous. And completely a lie from Satan. But lately I have been so vulnerable and insecure about all of this…that it’s been difficult to not allow the enemy to get his foot in the door…

Yesterday I was talking to one of my friends about it and what he said really helped me.

Opposite of me, this friend has done everything the “right” way. He is 25 years old, single at the moment, and has only had a few girlfriends, with whom he has never gone further than kissing.

After I confessed my above fear to him, he reminded me that he has lived the right way, and has obeyed God and done everything the way he should, yet, he is in the same position as I am. Single!

Then I started thinking about it.

I have several single friends who have lived exceptionally healthy lifestyles and have never even dated before.

So if God’s gifts are conditional, the way I am allowing Satan to persuade me they are, then where are their wives and husbands? Doesn’t putting restrictions on God’s love and gifts make His unconditional love…conditional…?

Maybe God hasn’t forgotten about me after all…

But what if a happy ending, for me, doesn’t mean having the “man of my dreams”? What if it isn’t having a happy marriage, 5 kids, a blue heeler and a house with a white picket fence? Can I still be fully satisfied and happy with my life? WILL I?

If I continue what I am doing and stick with Christ, then I will.

I pray every day that He changes my desires to what His desires are for me. Whether that means that I fall madly in love tomorrow, 10 years from now, or never – I will still be completely satisfied and joyful in life, because I will be living out His plan for me.

So if you want to know when I am going to get married and when I am going to start my desired career and put my specific education to work, then ask the One running the show! Don’t ask me. I have no answers for you.

I have had my own plans in life. They have never worked out.

So let me be me. Let me focus on what I have. Not on what I don’t.

I want to be focused on all of the amazing and incredible gifts that Christ has placed in my life! My new car! Finally finishing up my bachelors! My new job! Being healthy and able to do the things that I want to do in life! But when all you can talk to me about is what you think I should be doing and ask me about why I am not (your idea of) further along in life…it makes me insecure. And it builds resentment inside of me towards people who do have what I want…my friends and family and those I love…

And please, no matter how well your intentions might be, please don’t try to set me up with so and so because you “think” we’d be a good match…even though you’re true reason behind it is because you either feel sorry for me or you’re tired of not being able to go on double dates. Maybe I’m tired of being the third wheel…and you constantly bringing awareness to the fact that I am single, is only making me feel more and more inadequate because of it.

We don’t need to be focused on making our time together a mission of “Finding Michal a Husband”

Trust me…I don’t care to talk about it anymore than you do…

I’m well aware that single people have different types of problems as married people.

I’m aware that you have to speak to your spouse before making any kind of decision.

I’m aware that you don’t want me to stay so late at your house because you have…other things…to do.

Trust me! I AM SO AWARE!

Let’s just try to grasp this concept people…what if YOUR portrayal of a happy and accomplished life is DIFFERENT from mine? And what if your plan for my life…is different than what God has for me? Maybe the things I want for my life aren’t what God wants for me…and I can work on that to the best of my ability…but I can’t change how you feel. Denying myself and fighting my selfish desires is one thing...but I certainly cannot fight yours as well.

So when you continually bring attention to the subject on how I sleep alone at night and might quite possibly become a creepy cat lady one day (okay maybe not in those specific words…) you’re making me feel like I am doing something wrong and letting you down in some way.

Trust me. I don’t like feeling this way. I don’t always care what you and everyone else thinks about me and my life…but sometimes…I do.

It’s a knock-down-drag-out war, this “single” business. But you’re my friends. You’re my family. I don’t want you to push me down and dishearten me. I NEED you to build me up and encourage me! I need you to be my support system!

Especially when one half of my ex boyfriends are happily married with beautiful babies, and the other half are happily dating!

Instead of feeling sorry that I am not with the right guy…how about being happy for me that I am not with the wrong guy?

Don’t push me into relationships that may potentially hurt and damage me more. Encourage me that God has perfect timing, and He will bring the right man to me at the right time and make it unmistakably obvious. And until then, we can just be us and talk about…whatever else we would be talking about…

Haven’t you thought about how maybe God is using this time to prepare me for something that is going to happen in the future…and your negative outlook on my life may be hindering me from becoming who I need to be…(or you may be helping…and in that case…criticize on!)

Don’t get me wrong…I am thankful for you and your concern. I just have a feeling that I will be more thankful for your obsession with my love-life when I do finally find my future husband and you (assumingly) will be so ecstatic for me…maybe even more excited for me than I am! Jk…

I want to be happy for you and YOUR life and what God is doing with and for YOU and where He has you…So please…can’t you just be happy for me?

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Hope sleeps in our bones like a bear..."

I am not sure I have ever thought about it as much before as I have lately…

But the following concept keeps popping into my mind: This world is not where I belong.

Lately, when things haven’t been going my way…and I’ve just felt let down by situations or life in general…I just remind myself that my circumstances and the situations that I am experiencing are not permanent.

Yesterday in church we sang Amazing Grace…

“When we’ve been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.”

I honestly don’t know if I ever realized just what this verse meant before…and when we sang it yesterday…I just could not help but smile and feel this overwhelming joy and excitement…and RELIEF!!!

As long on we are here on earth…nothing is permanent.

It’s so easy to place faith in things that are tangible…things that we are able to physically see and touch…

But nothing here on earth will ever satisfy us.

I’m restless. But this time – it’s not because I’m not at peace…it’s because I’ve found it…and now I want to be utterly and whole-heartedly consumed by it.

I want to be in constant community with this Peace. And I want to see Him. I want to touch His face.

For Christians…one thing is certain: “We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun.”



“This place is not my home – it’s got nothing for me. It only leaves me with emptiness and tears in my eyes” – Gravity by Shawn McDonald

“And on that day when my strength is failing – the end draws near and my time has come. Still my soul will sing Your praise unending – ten thousand years and then forevermore.” – 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman

“All I know is I’m not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong.” – Where I belong by Building 429

“And I will rise when He calls my name. No more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise on eagles’ wings. Before my God fall on my knees and rise.” - I will rise by Chris Tomlin

"Heaven Song"
Phil Wickham

You wrote a letter and You signed Your name
I read every word of it page by page
You said that You’d be coming
Coming for me soon
Oh my God I’ll be ready for You

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can’t wait to join the angels and sing my heaven song

I hear Your voice and I catch my breath
Well done my child enter in and rest
Tears of joy roll down my cheek
It’s beautiful beyond my wildest dreams

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can’t wait to join the angels and sing

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can’t wait to join the angels and sing
Oh I can't wait to join the angels and sing my heaven song