Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer lovin'...

I have been PATIENTLY awaiting the month of June for what seems like forever…but it has actually only been about a month!

And finally…starting next Saturday…all the fun begins!

I have so many exciting things happening in June…

Next weekend, one of my best friends from Phoenix is coming here and he and I are going to six flags…

Then the following week, two of my other best friends from Phoenix are coming here to visit for a few days…

Then the next week I have THE ALMOST concert!!!!

Then just a couple of days after that, I am going to Alaska to visit my best friend!!! And while I am gone, one of my best friends from Phoenix is moving to L.A.!!!

And last, but certainly not least, I have a baby shower to attend at the end of the month for one of my dear friends!

All in the month of June!

But then the month after is VBS at my church and I CANNOT wait to be reunited with the sweet little faces from last year (I seriously have been counting down the month since January!) Then, my birthday…which means wine tasting and beach time with some amazing girls!

Then the P4CM show in LA with another incredible friend!

Summer is such an amazing time of year…it just has a completely different feel to it than all of the other seasons.

It’s a season of long days and eventful nights, bonfires and barbecues, picnics and kayaking, farmer’s markets and star gazing, early morning runs and late afternoon hikes!

Maybe it’s the nostalgia kicking in that takes me back to the teenage days of laying by the pool, golfing with friends, and listening to Jessica Simpson and LFO…

It makes me think of going boating with my family and sitting in the hot truck at the end of the day, with my disgusting lake hair and freshly sun-kissed (or sun-burnt) skin…

It is truly crazy how fast time goes by and how many things can happen in what seems like, the shortest amount of time.

June 1st will mark my one year of being back here in California…

And while I am EXTREMELY thankful that God brought me back here…it has been a somewhat difficult year…

But I would not change one thing about it. Not. One. Thing.

I have learned so much and I have grown so much…I have continued to realize more and more the person that God is calling me to be and what I want out of life…

This past month has been exceptionally difficult, just because it has been one of those times in my life where I knew exciting things were ahead of me, but they were just out of my reach…and I wanted them to be here NOW.

I think so many times in life, we take our “free time” for granted…because when we are going through things…all we want to do is just fill our time with things that will keep us busy…and I guess I have been doing an alright job at that…but I have also had days where I just had nothing planned and every part of me ached to get out of the house…out of this town!

I get restless…a lot. I had a blog quite a while ago (while I was still in Phoenix) on how all I wanted to do one day, was just get away for a while. Just get in my car and drive somewhere…but then I started reading my bible, and God instantly calmed my nerves and made me realize that the only place He really wanted me to be, was right where I was.

I remember how much that comforted me and how I just laid there on the balcony of my little Phoenix apartment, and God just allowed me to RELAX.

Just like there are several different seasons in a year…there are also many different seasons in our personal lives…some…more enjoyable than others…

A few months ago I was talking to one of my best friends. This is a girl who I have known since Jr. High, and no matter how long we go without talking, we always “re-join” just where we left off! She is such an encouragement to me. Constantly.

We were both talking about how we were restless with where our lives were at at that moment, and how we just wanted something new and different and we were ready for whatever was going to “come next” in life. Just when I thought we were on the same track, she brought some truth to the conversation: “We just need to be thankful for where we are at right now. Because you never know, a year from now, we may be wishing we were back where we are today.”

I remember my initial thoughts went something like: “Uh…no…this is such a stagnant time in my life…and I’m ready for adventure!”

But the more I mull it over…the more I see just how wrong my heart was at that time…

Just like when I was in Phoenix and all I wanted to do was just “get away”…and just like earlier this month how all I wanted was for the events of June to get here…God had me…and HE HAS ME…Right where I am supposed to be.

A slight detour I have taken, perhaps…but nevertheless, I am here. Right where I am supposed to be.

I think God gives us the “spare time” so that we are able to just use it to grow and seek and rely on Him and just get used to being “alone.” We are called to be content with where we are at at all times. And I am so thankful that God is teaching me this lesson…

And I think one of the things I am learning most of all…is to not put a question mark where God has put a period…