Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It Really Doesn't Matter...

The last month has been pretty hectic for me…and yet here I am, sitting on my bathroom counter taking a few minutes to write this little note…while I should be packing for my trip to Alaska instead…but I’m just pulling a typical “Michal” move and procrastinating…

My mind has been everywhere lately…places where I don’t even know…all I do know is that it has been keeping me up at night and in these last few days, my body has seriously been paying the price! I feel awful lately…I had the house to myself all last week and had so much to do, yet all I had the strength to do was just lay on the couch watching movies…which, I’ll be honest…was kind of nice being able to relax and catch up on some movies I had been wanting to see…

But at the same time, I know there were others things I could have been doing…or should have been doing.

I am such a funny person. Everything about me is contradicting. I am either waiting until the last minute or jumping the gun! I need some more consistency in my life!

One of my cousins and I kind of “got into it” a few weeks ago…he’s not a Christian, and he was basically telling me how annoying Christians are for always talking about God. And at first, part of me just laughed it off…like “Oh if I were telling you that I was getting wasted every weekend, you would praise that news, but when I say how much I love Jesus, I’m suddenly being offensive and shoving my views down your throat…?” Sometimes people don’t make sense to me…but then he said something that was incredibly offensive to me…that I really don’t even have the desire to repeat, or ever think of again!

At first I was so caught of guard at how horrible this thing was that he had said. I was completely shocked and utterly offended.

But then I just thought about it for awhile…and I just grew sad for him. And the more I think about it now…the more and more sad I become…

How could someone be so bitter? Someone that I am related to! How could someone be so turned off towards God that it makes him feel this way…? What extensive hurt does life have to deal to someone to make them this way…We come from the same family and yet we are ENTIRELY different people…

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and be honest with that, yes, he has gone through some pretty tough things, that I know of. But how much more has he gone through to make him this way that I don’t know of…

Like I said before…sometimes people just don’t makes sense to me…at least initially they don’t…then the more and more I think about it…the more and more they do make sense…at least from the worlds standpoint.

About a month and a half ago I was talking to one of my good friends. We were talking about things I had gone through and all of the unnecessary hurt that I had allowed into my life. Then, I just started bawling…just because there have been so many times where I chose whatever the “world” was dealing me instead of what God wanted for me…I have allowed myself to go through A LOT of unnecessary pain, and I have been dealt some pain that I really had no choice but to experience...

And if I didn’t have Christ, then yes Cousin, I completely would understand where you are coming from.

But thankfully, I DO have Christ.

My point is not to bring attention to me and whatever hog-wash I’ve allowed in my life! It is to bring attention to God!

It is ALL because of HIM that I am the way that I am now!

“Oh praise the One who paid MY debt and raised this life up from the dead!”

WHO KNOWS what my life would be like without Christ! Shoot – I know how horrible I can make my life and I say I have Christ…just imagine how awful I would be without Him.

Every time I start to put myself above others because I feel that I am in someway better than them because I am “following Christ” I quickly pray that Christ humbles that thought…and He does. He allows me to remember all of my awful mistakes and reminds me that He is the ONLY reason that I am different now than from who I was.

I know where my life was headed without Christ…and it was no where pretty or good…and had Christ not saved me, I know for certain I would be among the worst of sinners…

I know none of this is pulling together…please forgive my scatterbrained writings…(like I said…I have SERIOUSLY been lacking sleep) but basically…I have been pretty discouraged the past week or two…discouraged and stressed! About so many things…

I have been crazy! I have been tried, drained, insecure, and just…really annoying. And on top of that, I have been stressed about being stressed and my lack of sleep, which causes me to have even less sleep! (My vacation is coming at the perfect time!!!) And when I am tired, that is when my difficult side comes out…and I create all of these problems and insecurities out of thin air! But really…I sincerely apologize to any and every person who has had to come in contact with me lately…

But this morning in my devotional I was just reminded of how it really is not about me. And as I prayed, all of my worries and insecurities just kind faded away. God has paved a CLEAN, clear path for me. He is my guide…He has already conquered all of my fears and doubts and insecurities and all of the things in the world that I could possibly make a problem out of! I just need to trust Him with where He is taking me!

Below is a song that I have had on repeat for a good half of the day…it has been so encouraging to me…and hopefully it can be to you as well!

You Are Jesus
By Aaron Gillespie

It doesn't matter who I was, it doesn't matter where I been
Your grace is all I'm chasing
It doesn't matter when I wake, it doesn't matter when I sleep
Your arms are open for me
I am complete
'Cause You said I could breathe
I am made clean
And to You I will sing
You are Jesus, You are Jesus
You are everything I need
You are holy, I am dirty
And in You, I am made clean
You are Jesus
You gear my brain when it's moving backward
You hear my voice when I'm screaming
You felt my pain so long ago
You paid it all just for me
I am complete
'Cause You said I could breathe
I am made clean
And to You I will sing
You are Jesus, You are Jesus
You are everything I need
You are holy, I am dirty
And in You, I am made clean
You are Jesus
I am complete
'Cause You said I could breathe
I am made clean
And to You I will sing
You are Jesus, You are Jesus
You are everything I need
You are holy, I am dirty
In You, I am made clean
You are Jesus