Monday, May 5, 2014

I can tell that we are gonna be friends


It is official.

Summer always makes me feel like a giddy school girl.

My window is open and my candle is lit…I am sooo looking forward to summer…except I am already starting to get allergies…buuuuut I think it is worth it haha…

I had to remove like 6 blankets from my bed because I started getting too hot at that’s always an exciting thing…

I’m looking forward to bike rides and evening runs and kayaking on the lake…

Summer camps (yes, plural)!! And just hanging out and being goofy with my youth girls!!

I have decided to declare this summer – “The Summer of Love”

Yep. I can do that. I am sure I have some special royal ancestor back in that family tree somewhere!

We don’t have to fall INLOVE…who knows…maybe that will happen, but I digress.

I just want to spend my time loving on people!!! And just BEING THERE for people!

Doing this study with the girls has made me see how much they are just starving for TRUE friendship!!! They want those genuine, tough friends who honest with them even when it’s brutally painful!


A few weeks ago I talked about community with the girls! And I brought up the “Be a Barnabas…pursue a Paul…train a Timothy”

Most of the girls have a Paul and a Timothy in their life…but hardly any of them seemed to have a Barnabas or even BE a Barnabas to someone else!!! And it made me so sad! We all NEED someone to walk along side us and encourage us and ask us the hard questions and make us feel accepted and safe…someone who needs us to do that for them just as much as we need them to do that for us!

If there is someone in your life who has encouraged you in some way then tell them!

One thing I am learning is just how important it is to show those around us how much we care about them.

Do something special for them! Go out of your way to show them you care!

Go to coffee with someone you haven’t talked to in awhile!

Or make a new friend!

Find someone to get to know and just go for it!

Call an old friend up to see how they are doing! (please don’t text them or facebook them…….that is the most impersonal thing ever……..)

ACTUALLY MAKE AN EFFORT to show them they mean something to you!!!

I feel like we are such an awkward generation…no one knows how to have meaningful face-to-face conversations anymore…(yeah I am one to talk…someone who has a blog! Haha) but you know what I mean! We go out with a group of friends and everyone is sitting there on their phones through the whole meal…..sooooooooooooo rude!

No one knows how to really TALK and COMMUNICATE anymore…

So learn how!!!

We are all made for community.

I know it is hard to get to know people and trust them enough to let them in – especially if you have been hurt before…but just pray about it and God will bring you an incredible friend. Just remember you have to BE a friend to have a friend!