Sunday, June 1, 2014

Difficult...but necessary.

Yesterday my devotional was all about putting trust in God, and this morning in church both of the messages were filled with the same idea.

There have been PLENTY of times this past year where people have taken the liberty of telling me what the plan for my life should be…or their idea of what my life should be like.

Sometimes it was hard to hear that something…or everything…in my life was not aligning with what they deemed to be fitting.

This past year has challenged me in ways that I have never imagined. And it has definitely had some pretty rough spots…but if it weren’t for the hard times…I know I would not have grown in the ways that I have – and I would not be who I am today.

But it was when I started recognizing that everything happens for a reason and God IS CONSTANTLY at work in my life…even if it doesn’t seem like it at times…is when I just gave it all up and just trusted that whatever was going on was from Him…and that is when I started seeing some major change in my life.

The truth is – if it’s not pushing you TOWARDS Christ – then it is not worth being in your life.

I don’t care who or what it is.

If you are not glorifying God with it – or if you are disobeying God with it…get rid of it.

There are going to be people all your life who think they know what is best for you – but if they are not getting their “ideas” from God…then don’t allow what they say to discourage or sway you.

As Christians – I don’t think we are called to sit on the sidelines and watch who we could be pass us by. We are called to be that person TODAY.

If there is something distracting you from God – then get rid of it TODAY.

Trust that God knows what He is doing.

He doesn’t make mistakes.

He doesn’t “overlook” things.

And He doesn’t ask you to give up something that He won’t replace with something MUCH greater.

Sometimes it’s hard – trust me. I know.

But I believe that God is a miracle worker.

I believe that He can move mountains and part seas.

I believe that He can still talk through burning bushes and wrestle us in our sleep.

Maybe He won’t choose to do these things literally – but if we allow Him to…I believe that He will do things more powerful than our feeble minds could imagine.

When people tell you you are crazy for believing that God can do certain things…don’t listen.

Don’t allow their words to have weight with you.

This may come as a surprise to you…but much of the time…people really have no idea what they are talking about…haha…

Don’t put your trust in man.

But don’t become angry with them when they don’t understand God’s plan for your life either…

Just smile and nod and continue to go on your way.

They aren’t God. You don’t have to answer to them and you don’t have to prove yourself to them.

Just keep your feet on God’s path and watch what He does with your life.

“Our Lord never put His trust in any person. Yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, and never lost hope for anyone, because He put His trust in God first. He trusted absolutely in what God’s grace could do for others. If I put my trust in human beings first, the end result will be my despair and hopelessness toward everyone. I will become bitter because I have insisted that people be what no person can ever be— absolutely perfect and right. Never trust anything in yourself or in anyone else, except the grace of God.”
- Oswald Chambers