Friday, March 6, 2015

a hero.

I have no idea where this is going to go...

First off – I think it should be noted that when I originally sat down to write this post, it was mostly fueled by anger and aggression because of recent happenings…but since I have had a little time to cool down since then…now I am writing this post more from concern and sadness…there is still a little irritation in there as well, yes…but…maybe more sadness…okay...still a lot of irritation too...

All right.

I usually am good about taking credit for my own feelings and actions. When something is bothering me or when I am in a bad mood about something – I try to look at it logically and say that something must be wrong with my heart when it comes to the matter.

But I take absolutely NO credit for this.

In fact – I would LOVE to change it about myself…but I just can’t. It has been hardwired into me since I was a little girl – by one person in particular.

One person who has messed things up for me SO BAD that I am afraid I am ruined for life.

It is ALL the fault of my Father.

If my Dads goal in life was to prepare me in some way for the world – He did an incredible job – but if his mission was to prepare me for the “men” in the world – he failed horribly. Crash and burn.

My Dad is incredible. He is an extremely hard worker. He is honest and genuine. He always speaks his mind. He stands up for what is right. He fears God more than any man. He is a protector and a provider. He gives tough love when necessary and isn’t afraid to call me out when I am being an idiot. He is A MAN. A REAL MAN.

A man who has set me up for miserable failure.

His great example has lead me to the misconception that all guys are men. When they most certainly are not.

He has lead me to have the expectation that all guys will pitch in and help when they see a girl trying to do something. When they certainly do not.

What is wrong with guys these days??

I mean – don’t get me wrong…I know us girls have plenty of issues of our own too…but guys…seriously…I see PLENTY of boys…but where are all the MEN??

I think Bonnie Tyler really hit the mark…Where HAVE all the good men gone?? I can almost feel her frustration when she is singing the song…I am sure that house burning down in the video was really the Home Depot she was just standing in, in the middle of a SEA OF MALES just waiting for some guy to stand up and be A MAN and offer to help her carry all her crap but all those “men” are too busy being little…pansies…complaining about how they can’t lift that or move that because of some baby injury they’ve had…but really – they’re just too lazy. So she probably just got so frustrated and just burned the place down! WHY NOT?? What good is a store full of tools and supplies for men when there are literally NO MEN around to use them??

But seriously! As a woman, yeah I want to be strong and confident and be able to survive on my own and know how to chop firewood and start fires! My daddy raised me right! But that does not mean that I desire a HERO ANY LESS!

I still desire a man who will PURSUE ME and FIGHT FOR ME and PROTECT ME. A man who KNOWS what he WANTS and isn’t afraid of saying what’s on his mind. He is STRONG and BOLD and isn’t afraid to tell me if I’m being an idiot. He’s not afraid to say how he feels and he’s not afraid to hear how I feel. A man who will love me at my worst and take care of me when I’m sick. A man who stands up for what is right and who is not easily influenced or swayed. A man…just…a man.

But…back to Bonnie Tyler…the best and most romantic, sweetest version of Holding Out for a Hero is by Ella Mae Bowen. It is seriously one of my favorite songs. I know I relate so many things to songs…but music is so romantic and honest and it’s just my love language…I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for a good song.


Sorry if I’m being too brutally honest here…

But seriously…it is the biggest turn off IN THE WORLD! When I, a girl, am more MANLY than a guy. Like when it comes to manual labor…or just physical activity/work in general…like picking up things or moving things or pitching in to help people when I CLEARLY see that they need help! When I see a male just standing there when something CLEARLY needs to be done…I literally cannot look at them the same. ESPECIALLY if he is just standing there watching a woman do something that he SHOULD/COULD be doing…my WHOLE view of them is ruined – and don’t even bother trying to change my mind on it. There’s no hope.

I get that some people DO have genuine problems with real disabilities/limitations…but when I KNOW that they are not doing something just because they are lazy…oh my gosh. Like it literally just sickens me.

This is what I blame my dad for. Because he is the hardest working man I have ever known. So how could I ever be with/marry someone who is lazy or who doesn’t know how to do certain things or fix things…or if he doesn’t…wont try to learn how to do things!

Or a man who doesn’t know what he wants or knows what he wants but doesn’t pursue it…so you always have to guess what is going on…so annoying. JUST BE A MAN!!!

I pity the guy who tries to live up to my father…the poor soul…

My dad tells me that I will find someone as good as him some day…but when I think about it – I truly don’t know if I ever could.

I mean I KNOW that if God has a man for me, then I will find an incredible guy some day…but over and over again people tell me (men and women mind you) how they would hate to be a single girl these days because there are no good men left in the world…I’m not even joking – AT LEAST 10 people have said that to me. To which I just respond: “Sure there are…I just haven’t found him yet…”

But really…ARE THERE? It worries me at times how good of a father my dad is…it really has given me, what seems like, such high expectations for MEN.

But the crazy thing is – I really don’t feel like I have high expectations…the only reason it seems like they are high is because I have never met a guy who has met them…not because they are so high…but because I have never met A MAN!

It’s just so sad – just be a man!

I don’t get how some women can be with some guys…like lazy guys who don’t do anything…I really don’t get it.

And women – we aren’t doing them ANY sort of favor when we do their work for them! All we are doing is enabling them the be lazy…

I get that this is a strange, unbalanced world we live in nowadays. Women want to be independent and do things on their own and they want to be strong one moment and then completely compromise themselves for a guy the next moment…

I do think that some women are just as screwed up and mislead as some men…

So just stop! MEN STOP being lazy and women STOP being easy!

What happened to hard working men and women who demanded respect and romance?

There are some things I just don’t think I will ever get…

And Oh…if I could only say the things I were really thinking……….