Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I don't know what it is...

Maybe it is the fact that today I was reminded of just how beautiful people truly can be.

Maybe it is the fact that I was also reminded of how much hurt people can go through.

Or maybe it’s just a mood that I have recently been in, finally coming to the surface and letting me breathe…

Whatever it is. I am in a very sentimental and reminisce-full mood. If that makes sense…

Tonight – I am thankful for where I am. And where I am going.

I am thankful for second chances and forgiveness.

I’m thankful for hope and grace.

I’m thankful for understanding and empathy.

I’m thankful for love and compassion.

I’m thankful for people who have the strength to forgive others of their wrong doings, when those wrong doings are and are not against them.

And in a weird way. I am thankful for memories.

Memories have an odd way of taking you back.

The power of smell and sound is incredible.

How the quick whiff of a familiar odor can pull you into a time machine and completely engulf your mind for a moment.

Maybe it’s a song you hear or words that someone speak that are coming from the mouth of a stranger yet sound so familiar to you.

Maybe it’s the look on someone’s face. An emotion you are well acquainted with, expressed on the face of someone you’ve never seen before…

Some memories are fun to go back to. Like the smell that takes you back to your first car, or a slumber party with your friends.

And some memories are not so great to re-live.

But no matter what, you have them.

(Sorry – no Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind here…)

What is it about memories that can captivate a person so?

The situations are gone. They’re left at a stand-still in the past.

And life moves on.

Days go by and more memories are made.  More memories to cover up the old ones.

Some memories are lost indefinitely.

Yet, some memories surface with no effort at all.

People say it all takes time – and I know this is true for the most part.

But time is not the only thing that it takes.

It takes effort to move on.

It takes determination and will and motivation.

You might not necessarily have to know what you are doing – but you have to know why you are doing it and why it is best for you.

It’s not easy. But it’s crucial.

I value my well-being.

And I know that it is all worth it.

Because Christ values me too.

I’m not completely depressed right now…haha…I swear. Just…thoughtful…

If you could step into my room with me right now…this is a little of what you would be hearing…