Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mile Markers

This time of year makes me feel so reminiscent…

Halloween is my absolute favorite time of the year…I’m not sure if I could tell you why exactly – I think it's just because I love fall so much. And I like carving pumpkins and watching cute scary movies and baking pumpkin seeds and dressing up and just spending time with friends and family…

But I can’t help but think about how Christmas is almost here and then soon after that will be New Years.

Another year will have come and gone…

I was reading in my journal tonight, an entry that I had written July 12 of last year. I had just gotten a new journal and it was my first entry in it…Something fairly emotional was going on in my life at that time and I wrote in the entry, “I’d like to promise myself less drama for this journal, but I don’t know if that’s possible…” when I read that – I just had to laugh…because there definitely has been no less drama in this journal than there was in the one before it…but I don’t really mind…because that’s life.

Reading that served as a reminder…that life may have its downs…but it ALWAYS gets better.

Time passes…feelings change…hearts heal…life goes on.

I could tell you what I was doing exactly one year ago from tomorrow night…I could…but I wont.

But what it was – it marked the beginning of something pretty great.

Something that would take me on an adventure. Something that would teach me things that I never knew I needed to learn. Something that changed me in so many ways. But also something that would break me in a way completely unexpected.

Reading that entry from last July was nostalgic. But in a good way. I was hurting – but I was strong. God gave me so much strength during that time. He gave me His discernment and direction. I knew that what was going on in my life was happening for a reason – I can only remember one other time in my life that I lived with such purpose and drive. I clearly knew the right moves from the wrong…I have no other word to describe it other than that it was beautiful.

It would be best if you did not try to read too much into this entry…I am more just writing it for myself…but while you’re here, hopefully you are able to find some encouragement…

Encouragement in the fact that life is unpredictable. It can leave you with the greatest feeling in the world – or the worst.

But God – He always has the best in mind for His children. And when He allows trials into your life, He will ALWAYS be right there to help you through them.

I read once that if you pray for Gods strength, then He will give it to you at the EXACT moment you need it – Not any sooner than that moment and not any later. And I have seen that truth replayed over and over again in my life.

When I pray to God – I always feel peace knowing that He will provide…it is just remembering that it will all be provided in His perfect timing that can be tricky.

So as this year finishes off…whatever happens – I know that God is controlling it all…and there is always something to be learned.

I think one of the most exciting things with God is that you really do NEVER know what is going to happen. Life can be going along as usual one day and then the next it can be COMPLETELY different – filled with events you could have never even imagined. All it takes is one little thing and your world can be turned upside-down…

How exciting…