Thursday, November 7, 2013

Six and 7


I am thankful for a place to call home.

I grew up in this little small town…

When I was little…I was too young to have an opinion on whether or not I liked it here…and when I graduated high school I was ready to move on and never look back…

Yet even while I was in Phoenix – a piece of my heart was always here…

And being back here this past year has been incredible.

I never would have thought I would have moved back here…but now looking at everything that has happened…I wouldn’t have changed me come back here for anything in the world!

And now as I prepare myself for the possibility of moving away again…it’s different than before…

I’m older…and my move would be because of my career…and not necessarily something as time limited as college…

It’s bitter sweet thinking about leaving this little town again…and thinking about the incredible relationships and “family” I have made this past year and a half.

I know God has a plan for me, and I trust that He always has what is best in-store for me. And whether I remain here for the rest of my life, or make 20 more moves in my lifetime…He will always go before me and life will always be an adventure.

But Tehachapi will always be my home.


I am thankful for the junior high and high school students that I work with at church.

They are all SO much fun.

It is crazy how I am there because I want to give to them…and yet they give me SO much, without even knowing it.

To see younger kids being so in love with and thirsty for God is incredible.

There are so many times that I look at them and just think: “Man I wish I was as cool as them when I was younger!” haha…but it’s so true.

It is so cool to see each of them and just watch them grow and be able to get to know their different personalities.

Maybe it is the psychologist in me that just enjoys “observing” them haha…but they are all so smart! And I seriously learn so much from them!

Even those days when I am in a grumpy mood and don’t really feel like my heart is in it…when I leave youth group I just realize how thankful I am for the opportunity to be able to be with these kids and just pour into them and be poured into by them in return.

I know that working with the youth is where my heart is and I am so excited to be where God has me now and see what He has in store for me for the future!